
Investment in new packaging machine helps to grow market for Manx meat - IOM Meats

Isle of Man Meats has invested in a new modified air packaging (MAP) machine which is already helping to expand the market for locally produced meat.

It means that the company’s minced and diced meat, and braising steaks — which are all among its most popular beef and lamb products — now have an extended shelf-life which is good for retailers and consumers. Heat sealed film is used to keep the meat fresh, and the trays used in the packaging can be recycled. The products are already available from Co-op in Christian Street, Ramsey — and they were big sellers at the Food & Drink Festival from the WE Teare pop-up shop on the Isle of Man Meats stand. The investment in the machine has also created a new job with Finn McClean joining Isle of Man Meats as a Factory Operative.

Isle of Man Meats Chairman, Tim Baker MHK, said: “This investment is part of our broader strategy to add value to the quality products we offer. We have plans to expand the availability of the products packaged using the MAP machine across our growing network of retail partners.”

Phil Parsons, Plant Director at Isle of Man Meats, added: “We’ve had fantastic feedback from the ‘Big Co-op’ in Ramsey which was the first retail outlet on the Island to stock products packaged with the new machine — and we had a great response at the Food & Drink Festival too. That backs-up our market research which shows consumers not only want high quality meat, they also want good value cuts that are ideal for midweek meals, with the convenience of having a longer shelf-life.”