
Diverse young farming talent celebrated at Isle of Man Meats stock judging competition - IOM Meats

A roaring success at Isle of Man Meats HQ as the Central Young Farmers Club led an impressive showcase of quality meats with pure Manx provenance in the young farmers stock judging competition.

Expertly judged by Dave Cain, a retired meat plant grader, the event tested the skills and highlighted the dedication of nearly 50 young farmers from across the Island.

Dave Cain provided a comprehensive introduction detailing the necessarily high expectations of butchers when purchasing from Isle of Man Meats.

Drawing on his wealth of experience and expertise, he meticulously outlined the standards and qualities he was looking for in various classes of products, from spring lambs and hoggets, to prime beef and pork pigs.

Competitors were tasked with grading presented animals from Isle of Man Meats’ weekly intake based on a number of qualities, utilising skills and knowledge acquired on their family farms or through sessions held by the National Federation of Young Farmers.

The overall winner was beef farmer Tom Cain from Crosby, with an all-female top three in the junior section of the event, led by Megan Kneale from Lough Dhoo farm, Ballaugh.

Kirree Kermode, procurement officer at Isle of Man Meats, said:

“Huge congratulations to all the winners. This competition is always a great way to celebrate the work and commitment of our Island’s amazing young agricultural talent, and they all truly brought their A-game.”

“We had a record number of competitors this year, but it was particularly heartening to see such a strong representation of young female farmers in the junior categories. This is the next generation of Manx agriculture, and the future looks so bright.”

“A big thank you to Dave Cain for being a masterful judge, to the producers for delivering the finest quality produce, and to all our staff members who stayed behind to support the young farmers.”